Wednesday, 6 February 2008

ICA event by YCN

Ok this was last June, 11th of June to be exact 2007. A couple of months ago...:-P but i just stumbbled across a few pics which i thought i'll put up!! :-)....u can just about see me!!

This was a really inspirational event, espeacially for me and my best friend Marbs!! We coming to the end of Uni and were finishing off our major project....stress, despair, frantic behaviours you name it, we were going through it all. This event by YCN, helped us formulate ideas, hope and determination when apply for design/creative jobs in the industry!

Guessed speakers came down:

Piero frescobaldi (creative Director and managing Partner) and Nick Wavish (Junior Creative) from Unite 9

Simon Dixon and Avari Baxi- joint directrs of design and directing studio dixonbaxi

2 guys from Airside (they were halirous...really cool)
It was a really good event, not to mention, snacks and drinks were free too lol!!!