Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Kate Moross in the Nike pop-up space at Bateman's Row

On the 30th of September I attended the Nike pop up space in association with YCN with the guest presenter Kate Moross (illustrator/graphic designer). The talk was quite general, talks on design, what to do after you graduate and of course the variety of projects kate has produced for brands such as Nike, Cadburys and many more.

This talk was inspiring especially for me, I dont class my self as a new graduate as I graduated last year, however, its still very beneficial to here peoples questions and listen to the discussions!

Kate has produced some SHIT HOT!!! work, she has done well for such a young age! Keep it up girl!! To all designers and creatives out there, keep up the hard work, dont think that work will come to you on a plate, sleepless nights are required, but always keep the spark, passion and love alive for your creativity!!!