Thursday, 30 September 2010

Viviane Williams being voted top 100 Future Leader

THE CELEBRATED magazine, Future Leaders, held its launch party at the prestigious House of Lords, hosted by Lord Victor Adebowale. The publication lists 100 of the most talented African and African-Caribbean graduates in the country.

Speakers from Barclays Capital, Deloitte, and McKinsey & Co took to the stage to congratulate all the students on their hard work and achievements.

I am extremely happy to be nominated and received top 100 Future Leader...Its an amazing recognition! :-)

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Making Believe 2010

Goldsmiths postgrad design show 2010. My major project is called 'Are you you?' Which is an exploration of the 'self' by specifically looking at consumption and as a main side effect, disposable fashion.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Goldsmiths' Posgrad design show at Shoreditch Town Hall

The exhibition begun on the 18th-26th September 2010

A couple of days to go so take a visit, there are some great designs :-)