Kwami on the loom weaving Kente cloth...He's 11 years old and does this job during the summer...

Kwaku aged 19, palming FuFu...

My beautiful host brother on his way back from school, JUNIOR!!!! What a cutie!

Moi doing my washing, couldn't resist to take my yellow
Marigold gloves...

My group doing our drumming lesson...

The village of

Moi and my supervisor in Ghana, Pep...

The kids...

This little one is called
Porcher, she is
7 years old. My host dad in the village adopted her as her family is extremely poor from another village. She wasn't able to attend school but now thanks to my host dad, Elder Isiah she now attends a comprehensive school in
kasapin called LA.
Porcher helps around the house and does the everyday chores. She is a real, strong hero in my eyes, what 7 year old in the UK would do what she does in order to have an education? We are so very lucky! keep up the good work
Porcher :-)

My host dad's worker. She is grinding corn meal in my host dad's factory...

The bright school kids of

Dankwa (on the left). She is a midwife in
kasapin, she owns her own clinic in the village. Here she is teaching us how to make soap...Really interesting....

Washing unit, this was our sink! old school dish washer...

No cookers here, charcoal fires and crook pots used to cook our dinners...

One of our cooks, Abigail...

My host dad's sister in law, she's 83 years old, still going strong, still working hard, still doing the chores, no retirement or pension scheme here...
Awww the beautiful kids...

Mine and
kirsty's room for our time in Ghana, this was our home for nearly 3 months! Good times, good times!

kasapin's market...

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