Our project in Kasapin was to build a community center and teach however, we all found it difficult to see rubbish around the streets. The sanitation was a major problem we later found out.
The villagers often burnt the rubbish which could be extremely harmful especially if plastic bags are burnt. Us as a collective decided to try and do something about this, we gathered money ourselves as a group and got the community (the entire village) to help. We approached the chief and discussed what we proposed to do, he got on board and we raised a whopping 60 cedis which is Ghana's currency. To put things into perspective, we earned 15 cedis every week, this amount can feed a family of 4 for a week so this was alot of money!
With this money we constructed wooded poles where the bins could sit into and bought 10 bins to put around the entire village.
We also constructed and designed a welcoming sign for the village which was 10 cedis
You would think this would be a simple process, but oh no, it was really difficult. Raising the money was hard, we had to educate the community as to why this is necessary, constructing the sign was tricky as we would wake up 6am to be at the work site for 7am, work until 11am the have lunch and then teach from 12-3:30pm, this with the heat and exhaustion was difficult indeed, but as a team we worked together! Love you Kasapin crew!:-)
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