Hello guys,
So i am back from my epic travels from Ghana, apologies first and for most for not keeping you informed as often as i would have liked with whats been happening, but the Internet connection in Goaso (Bronf Ahafo region in Ghana) was pretty bad (which i have posted in my last blog) which in a way was amazing, i feel really and truly detoxed from the spiders web of the 21st century communication lol!
But what an amazing experience i have had, whenever i talk about Ghana and the Platform 2 project to my friends and family the best i can come up with is: AMAZING, EYE-OPENER, SOUL STRENGTHENING, HAPPY, FULL OF ENERGY, BRILLIANT... it was the best time of my life so far!:-) and i will give a break down what we have done for the 10 weeks we were out there!
Before i do so i want to say a big thank you to the PLATFORM2 people, for firstly allowing me to get chosen on such an amazing adventure, thank you to Department for International Development (DFID), Christian Aid and Bunac for allowing this fantastic opportunity to exist for young individuals like myself to be apart of and express what we have learnt, seen & experienced to others and increase our knowledge on development in developing countries such as Ghana:-)
So let me invite you to my wonderful time in Ghana (Kasapin) where i spent 10 magnificent weeks in a warm, hospitable community and with a group of 16 Brits (people i went out there with) who i can call my new found friends, miss you and love you guys, lets begin...
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