Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Kate Moross in the Nike pop-up space at Bateman's Row

On the 30th of September I attended the Nike pop up space in association with YCN with the guest presenter Kate Moross (illustrator/graphic designer). The talk was quite general, talks on design, what to do after you graduate and of course the variety of projects kate has produced for brands such as Nike, Cadburys and many more.

This talk was inspiring especially for me, I dont class my self as a new graduate as I graduated last year, however, its still very beneficial to here peoples questions and listen to the discussions!

Kate has produced some SHIT HOT!!! work, she has done well for such a young age! Keep it up girl!! To all designers and creatives out there, keep up the hard work, dont think that work will come to you on a plate, sleepless nights are required, but always keep the spark, passion and love alive for your creativity!!!

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Orange Rockcorps

This was such a good night!! It was amazing to see Buster, oh my gosh Ludacris was brilliant!!! The concept of the whole event was fantastic and i hope they will continue this from now on! The fact that they held Buster Rhymes in customs was absolutely ridiculous, spoiling a positive, night and message for the people by creating a smoke screen !Why is a good cause always suppressed?!! This needs to end!!

However, the night was brilliant, the variety of music was good and the people was full of positive nature it was magnificent!! Well done Orange, it was such a good event hope it goes on for a long time!!

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Orange Rockcorps

Guys not sure if you heard about Orange Rockcorps, its a brilliant concept and opportunity for people to see musicians at a concert for free. This year Busta Rhymes has confirmed he will be performing at the Royal Albert Hall on the 26th September 2008! Other artist will be announced whats the brilliant idea behind this i hear you cry, well instead of buying for a ticket to see you fav artist live, you earn it by doing voluntary work around your area! When I heard about this was was so up 4 it!! So you do 4 hours of painting, gardening absolutely any volunteering work......Today I was at Lollard's Adventure Park in Kennington, it was the first Adventure park in the UK, i met loads of cool peeps and did loads of paintings!! Best of all i got my ticket woooo Busta here i come lol!!!

But on a serious note, the idea is fantastic, not only you will receive a ticket to see the most coolest artists around, you are giving back to your community. By doing this you can make some cool new friends, socialise with people from all different walks of life and feel good you have done something other than your self!! Its wicked!!!

Big love Wall.E style for all of the youth workers that do their part for the community cause I don't think they get the recognition they deserve, but today i saw so many things which i didn't know before at i just want to share the love!!!

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Nelson Mandela

First thing I would like to say is Happy Birthday Mr Mandela!!! :-)

What an inspiration you have been to not only black people but people from all over the world, different nationalities and from different religions/class. You have been a true visionary that has helped the world gain back a TRUE PERSPECTIVE of what is right and wrong, moral and immoral....Truly amazing person!!!

One thing I do have to address is the statue of Mr Mandela outside the Houses of Parliament. I pass there everyday on my way to work and I have notice how small the statue is compared to the rest of the statues around the square. Some people may think I am being picky or fussy but really this is very symbolic and I amazed how no one has raised the issue before.

Every other statue in the square for example Mr Churchill and a few more are all the same size and on the same level, however Nelson Mandala's statue is not. For me this is not good enough as we are living in the 21st Century where equal rights, racism, prejudice, and discrimination needs to be scraped for good PERMANENTLY!!!

This is purely my observation. I do feel it is unfair as Mr Mandela has fought for Africans and has showed determination, hope, faith, belief and power and this grandeur needs to be rejoiced not dimmed down or suppressed!!!!

Tuesday, 8 July 2008


Yesterday i was lucky enough to see the film Wall.e at Disney i have to say it was AMAZING!!! :-) Disney. Pixar produced a heartfelt, warm, emotional computer graphic picture which i felt captured everyone's heart and soul in the cinema!

According to John Lasseter, "WALL•E" is the story about the last little robot on Earth. He is a robot that his programming was to help clean up. You see, it's set way in the future. Through consumerism, rampant, unchecked consumerism, the Earth was covered with trash. And to clean up, everyone had to leave Earth and set in place millions of these little robots that went around to clean up the trash and make Earth habitable again. Well, the cleanup program failed with the exception of this one little robot and he's left on Earth doing his duty all alone. But it's not a story about science fiction. It's a love story, because, you see, "WALL•E" falls in love with [Eve], a robot from a probe that comes down to check on Earth, and she's left there to check on and see how things are going and he absolutely falls in love with her."

The humanization of Wall.e and the relationship it has with Eve (Eva as Wall.e calls her in the film) was unbelievable!

The Picture conjures up varied emotions as well as visually portraying issues we have in our society today; Global Warming, Recycling, Waste, Pollution, Obesity, Love and our relationships.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Balham Bou on Mary Queen of Shops

Hey guys as you know, moi and Shaz designed Balham Bou's website :-) If you missed the show you missed out on great entertainment, but not to worry here it is, hope you enjoy! ;-)

Tuesday, 1 July 2008


I just want to say a huge thankyou to everyone that helped Shaz and I whilst we were producing work fo Balham Bou. Hope you guys watched and enjoyed the show :-)

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Balham Bou appearing on Mary Queen of shops has been moved to the 30th June 2008

Salute everyone! (a little bit of French) lol!

Just to let you know, Balham Bou will be appearing on the BBC2 show Mary Queen of the shops on the 30th June 2008. The date has been moved, i will keep u posted on any further changes.

Hope you guys tune in and vist the website designed by moi and formulated by Shazyia!


Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Balham Bou!!

I was commissioned by the fabulous boutique 'Balham Bou' to design their website and promotional nmaterial. Check out the show, 'Mary Queen of the shops' BBC2 30th June 2008!

Friday, 2 May 2008

Breaking News: Mary Queen of Shops with Balham Bou 30th June 2008 on BBC 2

Breaking News: Mary Queen of Shops with Balham Bou

Mary Queen of Shops with Balham Bou

The infamous Mary will be doing a new series of 'Mary Queen of Shops' on BBC2 in June this year. The fabulous boutique Balham Bou, have been revamped by Mary and her creative team. Shazyia and I had the pleasure to jump on board to create a brand identity and distinctive website for the store.

Watch this space, 'Mary Queen of Shops' with Balham Bou on the 30th of June 2008. will be up soon :-)
In the mean time, here's a taster of whats in store:

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

World Freeze

Through out the world people gathered on squares, in stations, in organizations or wherever to
Pause for thought. Pause for human kind. Pause for our planet or to do a prank for a laugh!

My friend Shazyia and i took it upon ourselves to to a bit of a Banksy :-) Check it out:

Friday, 28 March 2008


Ok, so I have been to nursery, primary school followed by secondary school, sixth form and then university. I have pretty much been through the academia strata which I have enjoyed as I love studying, it is pleasure I take to really well, as I believe in the power of knowledge.

Now I am in the industry of my field (the arts) and I am a working individual, I am trying to understand everything and anything. This may not make much sense at the moment, but I am writing this and thinking about this in an abstract way. The working lifestyle, working politics, the media, everything! At the moment I feel there is a strange feeling in the world today and I cant quite put my finger on it. Morals and ethics seem to be not incarnated in people’s way of living, which will result in the decadence to the world just as the fall of the Roman Empire!

Ok a bit over the top hear you cry, but really, there is a point as to what I am talking about! The wars around the world, climate change, deceit with partners and friends, a rise in the seven deadly sins, lust, gluttony, vanity, sloth, envy, pride and anger it seems to be rising to boiling point within my generation, even when I was smaller there seemed to be more love in the world! Whether its because I was younger and unimpressionable who knows, but if you read the revelations the enigma seems to be revealed! - This could honestly just be my thoughts at the moment due to the place I currently am at (a transition period in my life) but all I say is observe and watch, don’t be blind but use the light wherever you are! :-)

Tuesday, 4 March 2008


I feel i need to get some things of my chest. Why do so many people lack respect for others? There has been many times i walk out of my house to go to the local shop or to go to work and by the time i get back, i am already pissed off! People barge, step on your toe, give you funny looks, etc there is no common/mutual respect between one another anymore!! its crazy!!! Wheres the: "Good Morning" or "Hows it goin".....its gone! You say hello and people look at you like your some sort of freak!

Of course you can't let it get you down, it will be a waste of time, you have got better thing to think about, but honestly, how are you suppose to relax and chill with the negativity that surrounds you day in day out!!

People, people, people!! Please take a step back and realise your body language and your manner between one another!

And we say the Western world is civilised! I beg to differ!!!

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

ICA event by YCN

Ok this was last June, 11th of June to be exact 2007. A couple of months ago...:-P but i just stumbbled across a few pics which i thought i'll put up!! :-)....u can just about see me!!

This was a really inspirational event, espeacially for me and my best friend Marbs!! We coming to the end of Uni and were finishing off our major project....stress, despair, frantic behaviours you name it, we were going through it all. This event by YCN, helped us formulate ideas, hope and determination when apply for design/creative jobs in the industry!

Guessed speakers came down:

Piero frescobaldi (creative Director and managing Partner) and Nick Wavish (Junior Creative) from Unite 9

Simon Dixon and Avari Baxi- joint directrs of design and directing studio dixonbaxi

2 guys from Airside (they were halirous...really cool)
It was a really good event, not to mention, snacks and drinks were free too lol!!!

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Descarte- I think therefore i am

Cogito Ergo Sum - i think therefore i am- one of my favourite philosophers!!

Monday, 7 January 2008


I currently cannot sleep and i go back to work tommorow (well today really, 2.30am) Today i had a conversation with my big bro about the media, and how blurred peoples views are on certain topics which was once seen as right or wrong. But i have always had an issue of what exactly is right or wrong.

I remember studying Philosophy, my teacher Mr Mcarthy always indirectly asked for this sort of answer (right and wrong). But is there an answer? I know, many people know it is wrong to Kill but why is gun violence risen? why does it look cool to certain people? Why is it becoming a way of life now? With so much media exposure, people are slowly going to begin to think it is the norm and it is not!

These are my thoughts, opinions, premises etc on certain things and everytime i think on certain issues that are happening in the world today, more and more time i feel that less morals we have the rise of evil begins to grow and people are beginning to take it in as normal!!! Its crazy!!! Espeacially when we look back in history, from Moses, Nero, Ceasar till now, have human beings or mankind really changed for the better or are we getting worse?